发布时间:2020-10-30 浏览量:次
所在部门(必填) (系部)机械工程系 (研究所) 先进制造与智能装备研究所 E-Mail:fming@wzu.edu.cn | |
研究方向(必填) | 先进光学材料纳米级精度光整加工、基于磁性流体的高精度光学元件面型修整加工、硬脆等难加工金属与非金属材料多场辅助研磨/抛光、高精度轴承滚珠和滚子超精密研磨抛光、高效海水淡化技术、机械结构设计与有限元分析 |
基本介绍(必填) | 冯铭,讲师,2020年3月毕业于秋田県立大学(日本),工学博士。主要从事硅、碳化硅等半导体材料、蓝宝石、氧化锆陶瓷、钛合金人工假体、航空叶片等高效超精密抛光技术与装备开发,光学透镜与反射镜超精密加工技术与装备开发。目前,主持在研科研项目2 项(浙江省自然科学青年项目和温州市科技计划项目),参与国家自然科学面上项目1 项,深圳市国际合作项目1 项,深圳高端人才孔雀团队项目1项,已在国内外杂志上发表相关SCI/EI收录论文21篇,已授权多项专利。 |
主要工作经历 | 2020.3——2020.8,南方科技大学,访问学者 2020.9——至今,51吃瓜网,讲师 |
获奖情况 | |
承担项目 | [1] 2021-10-2023-06旋转磁场辅助磁性流体的非球面高效抛光技术开发(温州市基础性科研项目,G20210001,8万元),在研,主持。 [2] 2022-01-2024-12 增材制造钛合金人工关节化学-磁流变高效抛光方法基础研究(浙江省自然科学基金探索项目, LQ22E050008, 10万元),在研,主持。 [3] 2018-08-2021-03基于介电泳与磁流变复合效应的非球面纳米精度高效抛光加工(深圳市科技创新委员会, 国际合作研究项目, GJHZ20180411143558312, 50万元),结题。 [4] 2019-01-2023-12 新一代3C产品精细陶瓷构件精密加工技术与装备研发及产业化(深圳市科技创新委员会,高层人才团队项目,KQTD20170810110250357,3500万元),在研,参与。 [5] 2014.01-2018.1 面向高精度球体高效高一致性加工的变曲率沟槽研磨新方法研究(国自然面上, No.51375455,80万),已结题,参与。 |
学术任职 | 1.中国机械工程协会(CMES)会员 2.日本精密工学(JSPE)海外会员承担项目 |
学术成果 | [1] Feng M, Wu Y B*, Youliang Wang, Bitoh T, et al. Investigation on the polishing of aspheric surface with a doughnut-shaped magnetic compound fluid tool [J]. Precision Engineering. 2020(61): 182-193. (SCI 2区, IF: 3.156) [2] Feng M, Wu Y B*, Bitoh T, et al. Effect of the component of magnetic compound fluid (MCF) slurry on the polishing characteristics in aspheric surface finishing with the doughnut-shaped MCF tool [J], Precision Engineering, 2020(65): 216-229. (SCI 2区 IF: 3.156) [3] Feng M*, Wu Y B, et al. Processing of high-precision ceramic balls with a spiral V-groove plate [J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2017(12):132-142. (SCI 1区 TOP, IF: 4.528) [4] Lei Y, Feng M*, Wu K, Chen, J, Ji J, Yuan J. Investigation on the Basic Characteristics of Semi-Fixed Abrasive Grains Polishing Technique for Polishing Sapphire (α-Al2O3) [J]. Materials, 2022(15): 3995. (SCI 3区,3.623) [5] Jiaping Qiao, Ming Feng, Hanqiang Wu, Sisi Li, Jiang Zeng, Yongbo Wu*. Experimental study on the effect of grinding path in tangential ultrasonic-assisted grinding for the curved surfaces of zirconia ceramics [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022(118): 1859–1872. (SCI 3区, IF: 3.226) [6] Jiaping Qiao, Ming Feng, Hanqiang Wu, Sisi Li, Jiang Zeng, Yongbo Wu*. A study on tangential ultrasonic-assisted mirror grinding of zirconia ceramic curved surfaces [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022(112): 2837–2851. (SCI 3区, IF: 3.226) [7] Sisi Li, Jiaping Qiao, Hanqiang Wu, Jiang Zeng, Haohao Cui, Feng Ming, Yongbo Wu*. Improving the grindability of Inconel 718 by hydrogen embrittlement in ultrasonic-assisted grinding [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021(114): 2045–2054. (SCI 3区, IF: 3.226) [8] Weifeng Yao, Qingqing Chu, Binghai Lyu, Chengwu Wang, Qi Shao, Ming Feng, Zhe Wu. Modeling of Material Removal Based on Multi-scale Contact in Cylindrical Polishing [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2022(223):107287. (SCI 1区, Top, IF: 5.329) [9] Jiaping Qiao, Hanqiang Wu, Linhe Sun, Ming Feng, Jiang Zeng, Yongbo Wu*. Experimental Investigation on Ultrasonic-assisted Truing/Dressing of Diamond Grinding Wheel with Cup-shaped GC Wheel [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (SCI 3区,IF:3.226). [10] Ming Feng, Youliang Wang, Bitoh T, Mitsuyoshi Nomura, Tatsuya Fujii, Wu Y B*. Polishing investigation on zirconia ceramics using magnetic compound fluid (MCF) slurry [J]. International Journal of Abrasive Technology. 2019(9): 257-275. (Ei) [11] Youliang Wang*, Jibo Gao, Ming Feng, et al. Fundamental study on S-136 aspheric surface using magnetic compound fluid slurry [J]. International Journal of Abrasive Technology. 2021(10): 155-169 (Ei) [12] Ming Feng*, Yingrui Xie, Leran Chen, Wu Y B. Investigation on polishing feasibility of the concave surface with magnetic compound fluid (MCF) slurry [J]. International Journal of Automation Technology. 2021(1):34-40. (Ei) [13] Ming Feng*, Youliang Wang, Wu Y B*. Investigation on zirconia ceramics polishing using magnetic compound fluid (MCF) slurry:relationship between material removal and surface roughness [J]. International Journal of Automation Technology. 2021(1):17-23. (Ei) [14] 王有良, 史小锋, 陈秀娟, 张文娟, 冯铭. 基于双磁场磁性复合流体的抛光性能 [J]. 表面技术. (Ei) [15] Lei Y, Feng M*, Wu K, Chen, J, Ji J, Yuan J. Investigation on the Basic Characteristics of Semi-Fixed Abrasive Grains Polishing Technique for Polishing Sapphire (α-Al2O3) [J]. Materials, 2022(15): 3995. (SCI 3区,3.623) |