明尼苏达大学Saif Benjaafar教授、清华大学丁见亚博讲座预告

发布时间:2018-06-25 浏览量:

报告时间:2018年6月26日下午 1:30

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报告题目:Peer-to-Peer Product Sharing: Implications for Ownership, Usage and Social Welfare in the Sharing Economy

人:Saif Benjaafar

报告摘要:An equilibrium model of peer-to-peer product sharing, or collaborative consumption is described, where individuals with varying usage levels make decisions about whether or not to own. Owners are able to generate income from renting their products to non-owners while non-owners are able to access these products through renting on as needed basis. We characterize equilibrium outcomes, including ownership and usage levels, consumer surplus, and social welfare. We compare each outcome in systems with and without collaborative consumption and examine the impact of various problem parameters including rental price, platform's commission fee, cost of ownership, owner's moral hazard cost, and renter's inconvenience cost. Our findings indicate that, depending on the rental price, collaborative consumption can result in either lower or higher ownership and usage levels, with higher ownership and usage levels more likely when the cost of ownership is high. We show that consumers always benefit from collaborative consumption, with individuals who, in the absence of collaborative consumption, are indifferent between owning and not owning benefiting the most. We also show that the platform's profit is not monotonic in the cost of ownership, implying that a platform is least profitable when the cost of ownership is either very high or very low.


1987年毕业于美国德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校工业工程专业,1989年与1992年分别获得美国普渡大学工业工程专业的硕士学位与博士学位,目前是美国明尼苏达大学的名誉教授(Distinguished McKnight University Professor)。Benjaafar教授的研究领域非常广泛,包括制造与服务系统的运作管理、供应链管理以及环境和可持续发展等。


报告题目:Labor welfare in on-demand service platform

报告 人:丁见亚





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