发布时间:2021-04-07 浏览量:次
所在部门(必填)51吃瓜网 (系部)工业工程 (研究所) 先进制造与智能装备研究所 E-Mail:20210077@wzu.edu.cn |
研究方向 |
复杂型面机器人精密加工技术 加工表面在线监测与质量控制 激光加工理论和工艺及装备设计 |
基本介绍 |
刘德,51吃瓜网讲师。2020年毕业于西北工业大学,获博士学位。 现主持市科技局重大专项 1 项,参与浙江省自然科学基金1项目、国家科技重大专项 1 项、国家自然科学基金 1 项、航空发动机和燃气轮机“两机”科技重大专项项目1 项。申请人在这一领域发表 SCI/EI 论文 10 余篇,其中,SCI 收录 8 篇;授权发明专利10 余项。 |
主要工作经历 |
2021年3月-至今,51吃瓜网,讲师 |
学术成果 |
代表论文: De Liu,Yaoyao Shi,Xiaojun Lin,Chao Xian. Study on improving surface residual stress of polished blade after polishing based on two-stage parameter method[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 100(5): 1491-1503. De Liu,Yaoyao Shi,Xiaojun Lin,Chao Xian,Zhiyang Gu. Study on avoiding the knife marks of the blade after polishing by flap disc[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105(5-6): 2733-2744. De Liu,Yaoyao Shi,Xiaojun Lin,Chao Xian,Zhiyang Gu. Polishing surface integrity of TC17 aeroengine blades[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2020, 34(2): 689-699. Xian Chao, Shi Yaoyao, Lin Xiaojun, et al.Modeling bulk modulus of abrasive cloth wheel and polished surface roughness for polishing blade with abrasive cloth wheel[J].The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 128(11-12): 1-14. Chao Xian, Yaoyao Shi, Xiaojun Lin, De Liu. Study on Vibration Characteristics of Polishing Rod for Polishing Aeroengine Blade with Abrasive Cloth Wheel[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 2020(90):1-14. Chao Xian, Yaoyao Shi, Xiaojun Lin, De Liu. Roughness modeling for polishing an aero-engine blade with an abrasive cloth wheel[J]. Journal of Mechanical ence and Technology, 2020(1524):1-9. Chao Xian, Yaoyao Shi, Xiaojun Lin, De Liu. Experimental study on energy partition of polishing aero-engine blades with abrasive cloth wheel[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(5-6): 1839-1853. Chao Xian, Yaoyao Shi, Xiaojun Lin, De Liu. Force modeling for polishing aero-engine blades with abrasive cloth wheels[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(11): 5255-5267. 刘德; 史耀耀; 蔺小军; 鲜超; 谷志阳. 叶片抛光表面粗糙度与残余应力的优化分析.计算机集成制造系统[J]. 1-23. 代表专利: 刘德; 王宇; 蒋志航;谷志阳; 潘晓铭. 一种航空发动机叶片多头磨抛装置[P]. 2021-9-28. 刘德; 史耀耀; 蔺小军; 杨程,一种压气式柔性抛光装置[P]. 2019-12-20. 朱林; 刘德. 大型机床辅助找正夹紧装置[P], 2018-8-17. 刘德; 史耀耀; 蔺小军; 杨程,一种自动找正回转工作台[P]. 2019-08-30. 刘德; 朱林. 大型机床辅助找正夹紧机构[P]. 2015-11-30. 潘晓铭; 刘德; 邱辉; 谷志阳. 一种燃气轮机叶片精密磨削加工设备[P]. 2019-12-18. 潘晓铭; 谷志阳; 刘德; 邱辉; 冯爱新. 燃气轮机叶片层式流水线[P]. 2019- 12-16. |